Forecast Maps Follow
Forecast Maps display predicted wind speed and direction produced by a meteorological model. Tap or click on the forecast map to generate a point forecast for that location. Change computer models for a different take on the forecast in the customize menus. Different models may produce varying forecast solutions, see Weather model options for more information on available weather models.
Mobile app or Website
Forecast Maps through the Mobile App
1. From the menu screen tap Forecast Maps. This will load the BLEND forecast model.
2. Pan the map to locate the region you would like to view. To view another model tap the Model Name at the bottom of the screen.
3. The available models for this region will now be displayed. Tap the model you wish to see.
Forecast Maps through the Website
- Choose More Maps from the main menu on the left hand side.
- Select the Forecast Map option. The BLEND model will load by default.
- Choose or play through forecast times using the image bar at the top.
To change the forecast model displayed...
- Go to the Customize (Advanced) menu.
- Choose the forecast options box.
- Select a different model from the model options menu.
Select anywhere on the map for a point forecast at that location. You can save the map or the spot you selected to your favorites. See more on Saving Favorites.
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