Saving Favorites Follow
To save favorites, you will need a membership, but no worries, membership is free! Membership makes it possible to save your account preferences, customize your favorite content, and more. Learn more about free membership, please click here.
My Weather is your assortment of wind and weather info - Alerts, Favorite Profiles, etc. - that allows you to customize your wind and weather information. You can save your favorite weather stations, customized maps, and much more to your Favorite Profiles.
Note: Items saved to favorites will be saved to the active favorites profile. Learn more about Managing Favorite Profiles.
Saving Spots & Maps to Favorites on the Mobile app
Saving Stations or Spots
Select a spot, choose Current Conditions & Forecast, and select the star icon.
You can also choose Add Spot from the preview window.
Saving Maps to Favorites
After customizing a map, you wish to save, select the star, enter a name for the map and Save.
Choose the Gear icon, customize the map, and tap on Back. Enter a name for the map and select Save.
Saving Spots, Maps, & More to Favorites on the Website
From the My Weather menu on the Wind Map, select the favorites profile to be used via the drop-down menu. Search for the spot you would like to save.
1) Select a spot to open the preview panel.
2) Choose the Star icon. This will add the station or spot to the selected favorites profile.
Search for the Map (Personalize it to suit your preferences under the customize tab.)
1) From the My Weather menu, select the favorites profile to which you'd like to add content.
2) Select Save Map.
3) Type the name for the map and be sure to select Save.
Save more items to Favorites Profiles
1) Choose the favorites profile from the drop-down list under My Weather.
2) From the Station or Spot Graph, choose More (this opens the spot graph and more spot options).
3) After selecting a chart (in this case Forecast) choose the Star.
4) A suggested name can be customized. Be sure to hit Save to add it to the favorites profile chosen.
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