LIVE WIND, Wind List and Wind Map Follow
We offer you three great ways to view the weather data: Wind Map, Wind List, and LIVE WIND.
These three features share the same center point from your search (such as "Miami"), but otherwise, they offer uniquely different perspectives:
1. Wind Map
Free, PLUS and PRO weather stations are plotted on a traditional map, and this has been our go-to view for many years.
2. Wind List
Wind List quickly tells you the top-ranked weather stations in the area - for any search you do - anywhere in the world.
On our LIVE WIND page, we combine our Flow Map with the Wind Map. Viewing these features on one page gives the user the keenest possible insight into the current wind conditions. The current forecast wind flow, and the critically important real-time weather data provided by the weather stations. The basic Free version of LIVE WIND is available for all points on the globe and is turned on by default. However, for the best view, we highly recommend LIVE WIND Plus, which is enhanced by the prescient power of the best weather models around - including our exclusive high-resolution WF-WRF forecast models.
Our own Tempest Real-time Refresh Model (TRRM) Forecast model has distinct boundaries, which you can see when looking at our Live Wind feature. The TRRM model is our own in-house forecast model, and we have created grids for key regions across North America. With a PLUS Membership, or better, you get full access to our own TRRM forecast models - giving you additional high-quality data not available anywhere else.
Our Flow Map, and the animated Flow Map element within our LIVE WIND presentation, is an artistic representation of forecast wind speeds, based on forecast models. The animated Flow Map itself does not represent real, actual wind speed values. The weather station data points, which are plotted onto our LIVE WIND presentation, are actual wind readings from weather stations.
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